Turm und Drang

(2000/rev. 2019)

Romantism is rarely heard in the tower. Therefore I chose for a composition full of passion and romantic gestures. This is by the way characteristic for all my works.

The original version demanded physically the utmost from the carilloneur. Nineteen years later I came to the conclusion that there was an urge to make the piece more performable by revising the most difficult passages. At the same time I cut passages which lasted too long. The notation has been improved.

Commissioned by the Dutch Carillon Society and the Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst. First performance on 24 June 2001 by Gideon Bodden on the Vught bell tower. The recording below, made by NPS Nationale Radio, is a performance by the same carillonneur in 2003 on the Great Tower of Breda.

The premiere of the revised edition 2019 was played by Boudewijn Zwart on the carillon of the Great Church of Dordrecht:

Grote Toren van Breda