Traumblätter (Dream Leaves)


Commissioned by the Fonds voor de Scheppende Toonkunst. Written for Wyneke Jordans and Leo van Doeselaar.

Recently I sat down at the piano for an hour and played through a thick collection of Robert Schumann’s short pieces. Strange but true: in modern music one hardly ever comes across a character piece. This observation gave me the idea of writing a commissioned work for piano four hands as a collection of short pieces entitled Dream Leaves. Anything can happen in a dream – this realization gave me a wonderful feeling of freedom during the composition process. Robert Schumann: thanks.


1. Falling asleep restlessly.

2. Dream drops.

3. Dream of the girl at the spinning wheel.

4. Dream of the beloved who cannot agree.

5. Impatient watchman of dreams.

6. Dé-jà-entendu dream.

7. Merry-go-round of nightly thoughts.

8. Last sweet dream of life.

World premiere: July 27th 2008 in the Kleine Zaal of the Concertgebouw/Amsterdam during the Robeco series (5 movements).
First performance complete cycle: October 26th 2008 in the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ.

For part #4 a grand piano with a middle pedal is required.

Niek de Vente and Corien van den Berg during the Composer Portrait Robert Nasveld on May 31, 2024.