George Crumb complete werken voor piano

Release 1991.

Five Pieces (1962)

Makroksmos, Volume I (1972). Twelve fantasy pieces after the Zodiac.

  1. Primeval Sounds (Genesis I) Cancer [G.R.]
  2. Proteus Pisces [W.R.C.]
  3. Pastorale (from the Kingdom of Atlantis, ca. 10,000 B.C.) Taurus [J.B.]
  4. Crucifixus [SYMBOL] Capricorn [R.L.F.]
  1. The Phantom Gondolier Scorpio [G.H.C.]
  2. Night-Spell I Sagittarius [A.W.]
  3. Music of Shadows (for Aeolian Harp) Libra [P.Z.]
  4. The Magic Circle of Infinity (Moto perpetuo) [SYMBOL] Leo [C.D.]
  1. The Abyss of Time Virgo [A.S.]
  2. Spring-Fire Aries [D.R.B.]
  3. Dream Images (Love-Death Music) Gemini [F.G.L.]
  4. Spiral Galaxy [SYMBOL] Aquarius [B.W.]

Makrokosmos, Volume II (1973) Twelve fantasy pieces after the Zodiac.

  1. Morning Music (Genesis II) Cancer [J. DeG. W.]
  2. The Mystic Chord Sagittarius [R.M.]
  3. Rain-Death Variations Pisces [F.C.]
  4. Twin Suns (Doppelgänger aus der Ewigkeit) [SYMBOL] Gemini [E.A.C.]
  1. Ghost-Nocturne: for the Druids of Stonehenge (Night-Spell II) Virgo [A.B.]
  2. Gargoyles Taurus [P.P.]
  3. Tora! Tora! Tora! (Cadenza Apocalittica) Scorpio [L.K.]
  4. A Prophecy of Nostradamus [SYMBOL] Aries [H.W.]
  1. Cosmic Wind Libra [S.B.]
  2. Voices from “Corona Borealis” Aquarius [E.M.C.]
  3. Litany of the Galactic Bells Leo [R.V.]
  4. Agnus Dei [SYMBOL] Capricorn [R.W.]

Celestial Mechanics (Makrokosmos IV) (1979). Cosmic Dances for amplified piano four hands.

  1. Alpha Centauri
  2. Beta Cygni
  3. Gamma Draconis
  4. Delta Orionis

A Little Suite for Christmas, A.D. 1979.

  1. The Visitation
  2. Berceuse for the Infant Jesus
  3. The Shepherds’ Noël
  4. Adoration of the Magi
  5. Nativity Dance
  6. Canticle of the Holy Night
  7. Carol of the Bells
Robert Nasveld & George Crumb Photo © Co Broerse

Gnomic Variations (1981).

Part One.

Part Two.

Part Three

Processional (1983)